Wednesday, March 4, 2009

hi, there

This blog is not my first blog, but I am sure it will be a longer one (you know why).
well, I acutally don't know what I should put on this blog. I am not the persone who randomly let out the feelings inside, or the person who reverals too much private information. There might be someone who is lurking somewhere trying to hurt you in some way, who knows? but anyway, since this blog is one of our "homework", I guess I'd better work harder on it.


  1. Hehe! 1st floor!!

    Don't be such whiny!! Homework is good for establishing ur CALL experience!! Don't u think create a new blog would be fun?

  2. Right, people all need privacy. Here, you don't have to "reveal any private info"; what you need to do is to do the assignment and post it here, with your comments of course. I just hope that you all will have a chance to read each others' work. It's an important learning opportunity.
